Affiliate Tools and Resources
On this page you will find valuable links and resources assisting you in your affiliate marketing efforts
First an email received from Joshua, a valued affiliate from Florida following the launch our new site design;
Hey Patrick. Just spotted the new design ... congrats! It looks fantastic. I also logged into the members area and noticed still more new listings. Great work! Your site is the best by far in this field. And I know. I'm a member of 3 other "top" sites and frankly, they suck. So yours is the only one I promote.
Thanks and keep up the great work.
All the best, Josh
Operate Your Own Website? Here Are some Proven Productive Banners
You may use these effective banners to promote your affiliation with us and importantly to make you more sales. They are served from our server as a courtesy to you. You may of course copy them to your server for faster loading. Please note that you are not limited to only use these banners.
Copy Instructions For Banners
To make it easy for you we have provided a complete individual html code under each banner of your choice. Simply copy the banner/html code under the chosen banner and just copy it straight into your Notepad where you will need to replace the highlighted text DRPAT2003 with you own Clickbank ID. After you have done this simply copy and paste the code as HTML into your website and the banner will load from our server with your affiliate Clickbank ID integrated. As a courtesy to you we host the banners off our server so you don't need to copy & save the image file, that's how simple it is!
Important Tip: You can always follow your own affiliate link on our website to see that it tracks correctly by simply clicking on our payment checkout link. If you have followed your own affiliate link into our site you will see [affiliate= "your Clickbank ID"] at the very bottom of the first payment checkout page. If you get [affiliate = none] or anything else your affiliate link is not correctly set up. Then please follow the Clickbank instructions or contact or for assistance. Please also note that for obvious reasons Clickbank has special tracking in place if you try to buy our product using your own Clickbank ID.
You may use these banners to promote your affiliation with us and importantly to make you more sales. They are served from our server as a courtesy to you. Please note that you are not limited to only use these banners.
Important, don't forget to insert your Clickbank ID (by replacing DRPAT2003 with your own ID)

Banner Exchange Programs
You may also want to consider using these banners (above) for cost effective banner exchange programs like:
Powerful Ad Creatives for PPC Traffic or Similar
Sending our site PPC traffic with your affiliate link offers you instant affiliate results with targeted traffic. Most of you will be familiar with the Google and Bing Pay Per click (PPC) programs.
The Ad creatives below are just suggestions and are presented to fit the Google Adwords format criteria. We highly recommend you write your own ad copies as there are in fact copy penalties within the Google Adwords system (Quality Score)
Important: You will receive much higher CTR on your ad if you include the Searched keyword in your title. This may mean you need to set up many ads to target certain group of keywords.
- Gov't Seized Cars-95% Off US Largest & Most Trusted Source to Gov't Seized Car Auctions, See Why!
- US Gov't Car Sales-95% Off 4,000 Gov Auctions, Live & Online US Wide Seized Auto Auctions.
- Govt Seized Car Auctions 95% Off Seized Cars, Trucks & SUV's US Most Trusted Source, See Why!
- Government Auto Auctions US Gov't Surplus & Seized Car Auctions. From $100 or 95% Off.
Which Keywords are Best?
As might be expected the highest converting keywords are all thinkable combinations of "Auto Auctions" and "Car Auctions"
The real advantage however with is that it attracts anyone looking for a well priced quality car, essentially offering endless of keyword opportunities, here are just a few examples;
- "Cheap Cars"
- "Auto Classifieds"
- "Local Car Dealers"
- "Ford Explorers For Sale"
- "Used Cars"
...And so the list goes on. If you are doing PPC, make sure you spend some time creating a powerful keyword list.
A few easy things you can do to make more money with our affiliate program
Write a review or own article of AdsenseDecoded, letting people know how great our membership is. Include your affiliate link at the end of the review. Post your review to free sites such as:
Feel free to use these additional 47 free article submission sites.
- Create a free blog (web log) at sites such as Blogger and post your review of adsensedecoded, including your affiliate link. Then "ping" your blog at a site such as Pingomatic , so it gets picked up quickly by search engines.
- Join popular marketing forums and make frequent contributions to popular threads there. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your Clickbank affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link. Examples of proven effective forums are; Digitalpoint WarriorForum
- If you own an email list of newsletter subscribers or other people who have opted in to receive email offers from you, send them an email telling them about our website, and feel free to use some text from our homepage in your email. Include your affiliate link at the end of the email.
*Note: We do not tolerate spamming in any way. If you do, you will likely be dropped from Clickbank, your ISP, your host, and possibly sued.
Press Releases / Review
Once every few weeks post a press release at PRweb or similar service, in which you include your review of AdSenseDecoded benefits, along with your affiliate link. If you pay PRweb, they will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines, potentially sending you thousands of visitors and affiliate sales. This is a proven method for many top affiliates.
You ay also use these well established FREE Article / PR submission sites;
Ezine or email Ad Copy
You may use this ad copy for advertising in ezines mentioned below or use in your optin email list.
All you need to do is to copy the solo ad from the box below. Please change the copy to suit your preference.
Your affiliate link is below (same as above). Don't forget to replace the DRPAT2003 with your Clickbank nickname.
Suggested ezine sites
Email / Forum Signature Ad Copies
You can add these suggested email signatures to your outgoing emails. If you are running an email promotion you can add them as a PS section.
You can also make a post in marketing forums and add your signature there as well.
- Email Signature #1 Learn How to Buy a Car From 95% Off Retail Value. See What All The Fuss Is All About with Government Auto & Seized Car Auctions!
- Email Signature #2 Now You Have NO More Excuses For Not Buying the Favourite Car You Always Wanted. Seized US Gov't Cars from $100. All Makes & Models. Guaranteed listings in All States
- Email Signature #3 Have You Heard The About The Guy who bought a 2 year old Mustang Convertible for $850?. Check out what all the Fuss is about with Gov't Car Auctions.
- Email Signature #4 Your Own Suggestion is proudly listed in the following Affiliate Directories / News Services
- Associateprograms
- Internet Marketing News Watch
- AffiliateGuide
- AfffiliateSeking
- Gr1innovations
- 100bestaffiliateprograms
Please feel free to contact us at any time for questions or feedback.
To YOUR Affiliate SUCCESS!
Kris Brown
Affiliate Manager